I’m Caleb, I've always been somewhat artistic and had a passion for helping others but as I grew up, the drawing, the poetry fell off. Studies and keeping up with the Joneses took over for a bit until Drones! Drones were my gateway into photography and videography. There's a well known saying " a picture says a thousand words". No matter which variation of that saying you've heard, as I matured and learned a number of life-lessons, I began to see the truth of it. Photography and videography has become a unique way for me to connect with people, help them and express myself all at once. It has the power to bring about nostalgia, tears, awe, joy, excitement, all of life's most complex emotions as well as to make you want to try something new and invest in different personal experiences. This is why I am passionate about creating and connecting you to whatever you’re seeking, weather it be client engagement or an engagement, I use my work to connect people in thoughtful ways with everything I’ve got. Lets connect so you can find out yourself!